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Al-Ameen Newspaper 0 5 0 0

Al-Ameen Newspaper

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al-Ameen, humbly started as a community based newspaper in August of 2002, with limited budget and resources, driven by dedication and motivation only to please Allah Almighty. Although the founding members, management and the editorial board members varied from time to time but each and everyone had a sincere desire to serve the muslim community. Their valuable time and dedication & support helped us achieve newer heights & levels which to this day remains intact. Today as we embark on a new medium of serving the community through the internet all credits are due to the current editorial board who have stayed the course of the high and lows of Alameen in order to cement their vision to establish a Muslim friendly media.

During this difficult course, alAmeen have indeed achieved remarkable milestones, gaining new and unexpected readership, by gaining popularity among the Non-Muslims, who wished to be enlightened by the Islamic perspective – on current affairs and towards the understanding of the faith, and we could be certain that it is making an impact. Therefore, we humbly request our readers to bear in mind that by the grace of Allah, alAmeen is now more than just a community based newspaper. Therefore, it is imperative for al-Ameen board to provide fair, and balanced perspective on news which is inclusive of news and issues concerning and affecting Muslims and Non-Muslims alike – nationally and globally.

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